Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Farts, why they happen and where they come from.
By Jane Brain of the Daily Brain.

'I get quite a few letters from the people of the world and they are usually excellent reviews of the Daily Brain but I get quite a few that ask for a report on farts, so that is what I'm going to give you right now.'

We fart because...

1. Sometimes air get into our digestive system and forms a bubble of air which travels though our intestines and comes out the bottom.

2. Farts are so smelly because in our intestines there is a build up of bacteria and waste products and that's what makes the smell.

3. Farts don't come out our noses because our noses aren't at the bottom of our body.

4. The hole in the bottom of our bottom is very small and our farts are usually big and they come out with such force that they make a noise.

'I hope this report on farts helped you with whatever you wanted to know about farts, if it wasn't please comment at the bottom of the page.' \/ \/ down here! \/ \/ thank you.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Why the brain is squiggly.     by Jane Brain   of The Daily Brain.

Our brain is squiggly and wrinkly because it's extra big and if it wasn't all bunched up then it would be three times as big, And we'd have to have very big heads.

There are five different parts of the brain.
The biggest is called the Frontal Lobe. 
It coordinates body movements and controls thoughts.
It also helps you speak.

The second biggest part of the brain is called the Temporal Lobe.
It helps you hear and recognize sounds.

The third part  of the brain is the Parietal Lobe.
It does the senses of the the brain such as touch, smell and taste.

The fourth part is called the Occipital Lobe.
It recognizes images and helps you see.

The final part is the Cerebelium and it tells you how to move.
It also remembers hard movements like dancing.

I have also written a poem about the brain.

'Brain O Brain, oh way up there,
Without you I wouldn't be here.
You are so squiggly,
You are so wrinkly.
Brain O Brain way up there.'

Thank you for reading my column!
Be sure to read tomorrows copy of The Daily Brain because it will be about flowers and who doesn't like flowers?